Jordyn Gobble, Peer Learning Advisor

Jordyn Gobble, Excellence in Leadership Awardee

Jordyn Gobble, Peer Learning Advisor (PLA) for two sections of Art, Design, and Art History, received the FIG Excellence in Leadership Award on Sept. 20, 2024. She was nominated by her co-facilitator, Prof. Lee Ann Garrison, Director of the School of Visual Studies. This award recognizes co-facs and PLAs who go above and beyond in service of Mizzou students.

Jordyn Gobble is a senior from Lenexa, Kansas, with a double major in Art (Graphic Design) and Communication (Mediated) and a minor in Digital Storytelling. She is the PR Chair for the Intercollegiate Communication Organization of Mizzou. In addition to her campus involvement, Jordyn works as an animator for an internship with Fulton Street Media Group. Following graduation, she hopes to pursue design and animation to share compelling and visually interesting stories with the world.

Spotlight on Excellence

In her award nomination for Jordyn, Garrison said:

“Jordyn and I met and began working on our two FIG sections in late spring semester. Even though she had a paid summer internship out of state all summer, Jordyn continued to work on the syllabi, course calendar, and assignments, keeping me informed via emails. Once she returned to campus the week before classes began in August, we met again. Jordyn had the FIG Canvas sites prepared and ready to go.

“Each week, she is in the classroom well before class begins to greet students on their way in the door. I have never worked with a student who is more organized and well-prepared.”